running & cycling

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 13, 2007
Mt. Mitchell Training Run

'Twas just a typical January morning in the Carolinas, 50 degrees and sunny. I was hosting a training run on a portion of the Mitchell Challenge course. I had just lugged 4 1/2 gallons up a 20+% grade for about a kilometer and readied myself for a 20+ mile run. 14 runners participated.

I handed out maps and soon we were on our way. I ran with Annette Bednosky early on because I knew she'd be ahead of me very soon. I soon lagged behind just about everybody. I spent most of my time running with Steve Parrish. We discussed ecobuilding as he is a home builder. The trail is a fantastic place to get to know someone. I only wish I could stay with more runners so I could converse more. If I push hard enough to stay with the faster runners, I breathe too heavy to carry on a conversation.

The turn around point was over ten miles in where a side trail summited Rocky Knob. We saw a runner who just came down from the top but he said no one was up there. They had all run past the trail and continued to the Parkway, another 2+ miles further. Steve and I hiked to the overlook. Breathtaking is a term that is a bit cliched but it truly was breathtaking and incredibly clear. One of these times, I'll remember my camera.

We headed back toward the start, thinking we'd gone far enough, then I had a change of heart and wanted to meet up with those who went to the Parkway. We didn't have to go too far. I mentioned the summit hike and a few guys decided to head up. Matt Kirk, Chris Shields and Brad Smythe and I cruised up and enjoyed the viewshed. Humor flowed freely and we simply had a fantasic time.

We leisurely ran back on the Toll road, taking in the sites along the way. When we got to the aid spot, the decision was made to cut the run a bit short and head down Appalachian Way. This is a dirt road but it is heinously steep. I went into Beduhnasaurus mode and hammered it. I ran so hard that my IT band just about gave out. I also sprained my ankle in the process but it was unbeknownst to me until the following day when my ankle swelled up and I limped noticeably.

At the parking lot, we could here screams coming from the stream. Cold water is outstanding after a long run but it causes me pain. Adam Hill and Matt would live in the water if they could. Rob Rikoon had the stuff we needed. Cold PBR's were waiting for us. I'm not much of a fan of PBR but wow, did they ever hit the spot. Of course, we had to find some more brew and burritos, which taste so fine after 22 miles, so five of us headed to Camino's in Black Mountain.

Raging Bull


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